Home The Life Of Christ/The Christian Cross What The Talmud Teaches About Christians Christians Unworthy To Associate With Jews Christians To Be Harmed Indirectly Christians To Be Harmed Directly Appendix - How The Pope Treated The Jews Gregory XVII "Siri" The Pope in Red The Coming Great Catholic Monarch St. John Bosco's Dream (Vision) of Hell
"In its attitude towards non-Jews, the Jewish religion is the most tolerant of all the the religions in the world....The precepts of the ancient Rabbis, though inimical to Gentiles, cannot be applied in any way to Christians."(2) "A whole series of opinions can be quoted from the writings of the highest Rabbinical authorities to prove that these teachers inculcated in their own people a great love and respect for Christians, in order that they might look upon Christians, who believe in the true God, as brothers, and pray for them."(3) "We hereby declare the the Talmud does not contain anything inimical to Christians."(4)